July 10, 2011


It has been a whole decade since my son was born. Today is his special day and we have been spending the last couple of days having fun and preparing for his birthday. Calders grandmother, my mom, has always generously offered her house as a place to get festive. Having a pool really makes it a no brainer. Who knew that plain old water could be such fun! We had water fights, played Marco/Polo and ate cake. It was also a great opportunity to see dear friends and have a good laugh! All the kids are getting so big! Could it possible be 10 years since we rushed to the hospital only to wait 24 whole hours to see him in person? My big boy, a decade old. Double digits. My old man with the wicked sense of humor...


My Life Under the Bus said...

Aww I have 3 July babies and my twins are 10 also this month! Where does the time go???

Many Happy returns!

Unknown said...

Handsome Lad! It sounds like yall had such a great time! Whats playing Marco Polo?