I'm getting closer to the firing date and realizing that my plate is rather full and am busting with new ideas. First, I would have to thank my dear friend and SOON TO BE FELLOW BLOGER (do you think she got the hint?) Joelle, for brainstorming some great new ideas. Her big boy and my big boy are almost the same age (two weeks apart) and her guy just lost his first tooth! Yay!I have to say it is an exciting event and you would never believe such a tiny thing could cause such a fuss as well as so many emotions. She captures it exactly with her poem...
He bounds at me
Mom look!
So I do
And there it is
In the picket fence
Of his upturned smile
A hole
Bloody and ragged.
Come see!
He shouts
So I do
And there it is
A tooth
Impossibly tiny.
A tooth
That almost made me
Give up breast feeding
When he was four months old.
And now this.
I never did like that tooth.
More later on the fun new ideas...