I very nearly had to cuff myself to the kitchen table not to rush opening the kiln this morning! It was a huge firing with mostly beads and few pendants. This month will be a double firing and thankfully there were some lessons learned from the first firing that will help with the second... If you ever have a feeling in the pit of your stomach about something and a little voice is tell you to listen, do it! The wires that I had to cut to accommodate more beads were all sagging just like the little voice in my head said they would. It was shear luck that only a few beads were fused or melted to the kiln shelf. No biggie! Whew! Having said that I am super pleased with what came out! Another lesson... take better notes! I had so many color experiments that I forgot to take good notes and some colors are a bit of a mystery. I had this idea in my head for white on white beads (matte and glossy and vice versa) and I am so happy with how they turned out. I also learned that some dots are temperamental and do not like to stay put and will fall off if not handled with care. I'm looking at you purple! Lessons learned! Enjoy the dots!

Wonderful beads Gaea. Your not Coocoo for Coco Pops youre Dotty for Dotty dots! lol And yes I am becoming fast attracted to the off white crackle like you had said!
very cute - both the dark and light ones are equally pretty!!
These are gorgeous -- and congrats on the Belle Armoire Jewelry this go!
Can I eat them? They look soooo yummy!
Gaea, these are wonderful. I love them! Love polka dots. The more I see of your and other ceramic artists the more I want to have a go at making these myself! One day. Thanks for the eye candy!
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