Well, actually it is, so it will all need replacing of fixing! It seemed like one thing after another this week it has become comical at this point! First off our cars are older than dirt and covered with it. I just can't be bothered to clean a car when there are perfectly good beads to play with. So, our older that dirt cars both have maladies that let us limp around town but they haven't failed us yet and as I loathe to hand the mechanic over money I don't have, we'll keep on limping until absolutely necessary. One has a leaking radiator (if you see me around town with the hood up, I'm just adding coolant, give us a wave and keep on goin'! We'll be ok!) The other car has trouble shifting. It's an automatic. I hate an automatic. I could drive the s#%! out of a broken clutch though. But I digress. So, if you see or hear us ah-clunkin' through town, once again, give us a wave and we'll see ya later. I had to laugh out loud (total reflex response here) at the Mom who standing in front of my 1994 sedan parked in front of my son's school and was complaining loudly to another parent about her "old" 2003 car. It just slipped out! So now my dish washer decided that water was optional for cleaning. What ever. We found it used in front of a house that was being renovated. SCORE! That baby worked great for 2 years! Since we've not had the fortune of finding another this way we were forced to actually shop. And we lucked out big time by finding a floor model unit that was, get this... $1200. WTF!?! I didn't even know they made them for that much!? I don't get out much I guess. So it has a tiny baby dig in the door and was last years model. It was less than most of the lowest priced new ones. I have to say it does look like a diamond surrounded by filth in our little kitchen though. Time to start scrubbing! So there you have it. Us in all our falling apart glory! I'm not complaining. I just think these are the funny gems in life.
Here... look at this great mermaid picture my little three year old did for a party (ok, I helped with the words)...

Happy Monday All! XO Gaea
I had no idea a dishwasher was so expensive! We're talking a machine, not a human, right? Yeesh, I wanna go hug my dishwasher and give it vitamins so it stays healthy!
So sorry : ( to hear about all the mechanical woes!!! Sometimes, it just goes like that...it makes us appreciate all the good things/times and days that things work like they are meant to. I hope it passes quicky, and doesn't hurt your wallet too much...
I loved that "free" dishwasher! It worked it's little heart out! :P
Could I love this mermaid pic any MORE? I DON'T THIN SO, LUCY!
It's way groovular, Mags!
Big Hugs!
aunt c, xxooxx
YAH! Vitamins, sponge bath, BJ! What ever it takes! EW! That was a particularly expensive model. They averaged about $400 though! YIKES! It has lights on the inside! WTF?!?! I didn't know this until we got it installed! Too much!
I think it is funny how the "when it rains, it pours" rules really are true!
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