Thanks for all the birthday wishes! As I get older, and I was discussing this with Joelle, we Cap's are prone to start out as old souls who blossom into wild at heart, silly children. I so feel silly now and was a very serious child. Teasing was not for me. I can take it and dish it now too. So if I start throwing a temper tantrum or twirling in the middle of the department store singing loudly and off key, please know that I am not crazy, it is just my Capricorness showing. I am off to finish some 80 odd beads for the January firing. And then it is tax time and OH! I've been putting off the Jewelry/Art exchange for forever and a day. I think I am stuck and having a hard time working over some one else's work. HELP! I don't think I should be the one to finish it, no matter how "full circle" it feels. Hmm....
It's hard to see in this picture, but it appears that all you would have to do is attach the second strands to the clasp, no?
Oh, come on now. You can totally finish this necklace! You are a great jewelry-maker, you will come up with something!
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