I am so geeking out over the next Harry Potter film!!! I CAN NOT WAIT!!! I've been checking for new trailers for the movie and even been playing the newest video game! Oh.... and re-reading the book! IT IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!! Deep breath! The movie poster gallery at Fandango just gave me chills! There are some really great updates at the the-leaky-cauldron.org Yes. I'm a bit obsessed. But in a good way! Oh! My count down widget says we only have 9 days, 9 hours, 49 minutes and 32 seconds!!!
I am so there with you! I love the series....If I had time I would go back and read....but my kids are finally showing interest in reading them so there is hope! Enjoy the day! Erin
My son is just turning 8 this week and wants to see the Half-Blood Prince with us. Luckily it's rated PG. Even though he's seen the others, some of them are a bit much for him! Have a fantastic day too!
Yeah, I'm totally geeking too. We are doing a "Harry Potter - a thon" on the days leading up to the movie by watching all the older ones. I am going to read all the books to my nine year old soon but we are finishing up the Chronicles of Naria books now. Yes, she can read for herself but it gives us more "girl" time.
just finished my 'half blood prince' reread last night... i am taking my kids and some of their friends to the midnight show... so excited and yet apprehensive - worried i cannot handle the end on film... at least at home i privately fell apart! now there will be a whole audience... don't you think it's interesting that a book as dark as this one has a younger rating? it's great to be obsessed in a good way! 2 years ago my daughter, then 15, dyed her hair bright pink for 'order'... it's fun... and great to see people so excited about a book series... i miss it so much...
I love it! Pink hair! I've been watching them too! I figured I wasn't the only one being a total geek!
I'm so there! My son and I have read all the books and I must admit to being a fan of some of the Wizard Rock groups! We've had "Wrock" bands in our backyard giving free concerts. So much fun!
Long live geeks! Wrock on!
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