Why do the long weekends go by the fastest? Friday, well who can remember Friday? Saturday we watched Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows part 2 (beads in hand). I cried like a baby. Again. Robert and I decided that Voldemort really could have died a more gruesome death. He deserved it. Our friend Karen is a musical talent if ever there was one! Karen and her husband play live music at a local diner on Sunday mornings so we had the best veggie Eggs Benedict with a side of banjo and upright bass. Very cool! In the afternoon I helped my friend Caitriona with her new etsy shop. Caitriona is such a talented artist who has her hands busy with many things. While raising 3 boys she manages to find time to whip up
silver and gold creations as well as put pen to paper for these fantastic line drawings which she has turned into
t-shirts. Today we are working on getting our etsy shops in gear for the holidays....
Thanks to everyone for leaving comments about the season bundles over at Lima Beads! The winner is...
kat said...
The red birdie bundle is my favorite but all are really lovely!!