August 1, 2008


I nearly missed it! This is so typical of me. I wrote the date on the calendar. I circled it. I even gave myself a few days extra. But that didn't stop me from nearly missing the deadline! Apparently what is in my head is more correct than looking on a calendar page. I have been working feverishly to get some jewelry together to submit to a publication. I read and re read their instructions. I wrote the date down and then for no good reason thought the due date was mid month! Luckily I emailed the editor and inquired, kindly, if the due date meant postmark or in hand. YAY! POSTMARK! WHoo hooo! So I jammed to the P.O. and got it in the mail! What a liberating feeling! We celebrated with a swim at Grandmas and dinner!

I used the random number thingy and it gave me #3! LLYYNN is this weeks winner! Please send me your address (gaeaojainet) and I'll get you your lotus pendant!

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