There is was again! That noise! A soft little noise right behind me. Was it the bag of pretzels settling on the shelf behind me? Or something else? Maybe a ghost! I work quite a bit in my kitchen. It has good lighting, water and an oven to store my work trays in. I usually have music on or am watching a movie so there is sound on in the back ground. But this was a quiet evening. Just me and my thoughts. THERE IS WAS AGAIN!!! I distinctly heard a noise! Right behind me! I spun quickly and caught some shadowy movement. WHAT WAS THAT!?!? Then, I saw it! It had quit a long tail and whooop! It disappeared out of sight! It was a mouse! Hmmm... I can't have a mouse in my kitchen. As cute as it is, it needs to find a more appropriate home. We do live in a rural area. The country really. Lots of places to roam and live, out of doors. I didn't want to harm our little friend. So off we went to the hardware store, in search of a kind and gentle mouse trap.... 35 bucks, huh? for a little trap to free him from later? Hmmm... Let's see if we can figure something else out. I did a search and found this ingenious way to safely
trap a mouse! And it was FREE! So we caught our little friend and took him to a lovely little field (the same one that I swore I saw Shrek and Fiona frolicking in last Spring!

My son is now worried that a wolf will eat him. That is a project for another day...
Ok. Back to work!
Aww, but he's so cute! Can't we keep him, Ma????
Hey, any update on the traveling necklace?
I know! Cute! And spazzy! He tried so valiantly to jump out of that tall kitchen trash can. Poor thing was scared out of his mind! He shot out of that can like he was being shot out a cannon when we found him a new home. The jewelry exchange project is with LLYYNN but going to be sent to Stef first. I was going to post a update soon! XO
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