Have a spooky, fun Halloween!
October 31, 2008
Zombie Mama Hate Rain!
I was, of course, horror stricken for my little ones to discover it had started raining over night. My first though was "Oh, they will be so disappointed about rain on Halloween!" Much to my surprise my big boy didn't seem to be too bothered by it. Dad and the kids decorated the front yard with our usual tombstones, witch, skeleton, and this years new addition, a ghost! Just by shear luck we had set up our display under the eve of the roof. I hope this keeps the rain from destroying our ghoulish set! For weeks, I have been "ZOMBIE MAMA"! I will chase anyone who gets close to me, droning "Zombie Mama need food!" and "Zombie Mama eat baby!" They run and squeal and I catch them eventually making loud gnawing sounds on their belly's and arm's, as they squeal in delight! Aside from our serious anticipation of Halloween, I've been working out a few designs. The little "Oooot" owl had me entranced and no other beads seem to be good enough to go with her. Hmm.... I think she's fetching!

Have a spooky, fun Halloween!
Have a spooky, fun Halloween!
October 28, 2008
A favorite necklace... Journeys on....
I did this necklace a few months ago. I get happy comments on it all the time. I've been calling it the Journey Necklace. A new friend I met at Ojai Day decided that It would be perfect as gifts for all the girls in her life this holiday season and I'm lucky enough to create Journey Necklaces for them. She gave me information about where they were in their life and what colors and interests they had. It will be fun and challenging to turn her information into art on a string. The Earthenwood Studio blue bird is one of my favorites! And pounding the silver wire is great for stress. I can't wait and will post pics when I'm done!
October 26, 2008
I'm Such A TEASE!
October 21, 2008
It was an early morning..

And a most beautiful one at that! I couldn't believe the colors of the sky. I was up at 6 to get to Ojai Day by 7. It was fairly dark as I pulled out of the driveway and headed into town but the sky was MAGNIFICENT! A perfect sunrise. Pink and orange sky with dark gray and fluffy clouds. The mountains looked purple. I captured a few images with my cell phone but can't figure how to get them off of there (I don't have the fancy service so I'm S.O.L on that one I guess!) I was busy the entire day and couldn't have asked for more wonderful customers. I saw quite a few folks sporting Obama shirts and buttons questioning whether or not this or that pendant clashed with their shirt? I didn't think anything could! Many kids came up to have necklaces made. They are such joyful and enthusiastic designers and I marveled at their designs. They were so patient waiting their turn and saying their pleases' and thank yous. Ojai is such a great town and friends are around every corner. I hadn't seen my friend Jaymie in ages and ran into her and her two gorgeous boys. Her etsy shop Wooly Good Fun, has the most adorable furry creations ever! I got to be her first etsy customer! I am a huge fan of her work and I just know there will be MANY more for her!

This one is mine! I love her!
October 19, 2008
Let is snow...
October 17, 2008
Coral Reef
October 13, 2008
Just thought this day needed...
A little tenderness...
Talk about AMAZING. Rock this day out people!
OK. Back to the beads.
Have a perfect Fall day all!
Talk about AMAZING. Rock this day out people!
OK. Back to the beads.
Have a perfect Fall day all!
October 8, 2008
I've been tagged!!!
I was tagged a few days ago by Nancy of The Rabbit Muse. Apparently, now it's my turn to do the tagging and to share some facts about myself. If you've been tagged by me check out the rules below and play along if you so desire.
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I love to curse like a sailor but try not to and usually only for comic effect (see fact number 4) and it actually bugs me to hear people cursing in a non funny way or if used as every other word (I know I'm picky!).
2. I learned how to belly dance when I was 12 and traded house work as payment.
3. I am 5' 9 3/4" but always say 5' 10" and secretly wish I was 6' tall.
4. I secretly want to be a stand-up comic but probably wouldn't work blue (who am I kidding!).
5. I LONG to travel but I have never been out of the United States thus my intense love for The Amazing Race.
6. I have changed my own brake pads and use to work on my car regularly (clutches should be left for the professionals!).
7. I HATE to follow the rules or read instructions.
Ok, so here are the people I am tagging. Be sure to check out all of their great blogs!
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I love to curse like a sailor but try not to and usually only for comic effect (see fact number 4) and it actually bugs me to hear people cursing in a non funny way or if used as every other word (I know I'm picky!).
2. I learned how to belly dance when I was 12 and traded house work as payment.
3. I am 5' 9 3/4" but always say 5' 10" and secretly wish I was 6' tall.
4. I secretly want to be a stand-up comic but probably wouldn't work blue (who am I kidding!).
5. I LONG to travel but I have never been out of the United States thus my intense love for The Amazing Race.
6. I have changed my own brake pads and use to work on my car regularly (clutches should be left for the professionals!).
7. I HATE to follow the rules or read instructions.
Ok, so here are the people I am tagging. Be sure to check out all of their great blogs!
17 Years.

That's right, 17 of them have passed since we took our wedding vows. Our dear friend Yvonne was the minister via The Universal Life Church. I love that anyone can become an ordained minister and perform a wedding! It was as hot on that day is it is on this. We actually picked the day, the 8th because 8 turned sideways is the symbol for infinity. I know my love for him is infinite. October was, in our minds a beautiful fall month, cool and crisp. It has managed to be record breaking hot on our anniversary for most of our 17 year together. Such is life. We met on April 1st, 1990 and have been "fools" in love ever since. Some days we are more foolish than others. I couldn't imagine my life with out him. It is a good day, today. Our dear friend Dean sent us this very old picture not too long ago (1991!!!). We look so baby faced and fresh. I love it!
October 7, 2008
October 6, 2008
Ojai Day Cometh!
There are a few festivals/craft fairs that I do. One is Earth Day, a great family event and the other is Ojai Day! Another great family event. They close down main street and have entertainment, food and booths of amazing art, jewelry and crafts! There are fun things for kids like a petting zoo and a climbing rock wall and music. It's even free to enter! I've seen puppet makers, clothing designers and amazing art displays. This year Ojai Day is on Saturday October 18th from 10 am to 5 pm. Come on by!

October 2, 2008
Sick day.
My boy has bronchitis. So we are going to spend the day resting. It feels really good to have him at home even though he is not feeling his best. I could probably have sent him off to school today, but truth be told I think we all needed a stay at home day. This year, so far, and we are only a month and a half in, has proven to be difficult for both of my kids. With my 2nd grader we went from a very supportive 1st grade class where the teacher really took him under her wing to a 2nd grade class where he is expected to just fly on his own. My little bird needs help to fly. We are as supportive as we can be at home but the notes we are getting from class are really dragging us down. I expected more support from teachers. I would expect that 15 plus years of experience would have yielded more technique or sage advice for motivating a 7 year old. Every thing I've read online suggests that people are medicating their young children to "pay attention". It horrifies me. Do so many kids really have ADD? I am thinking that as adults we have forgotten how it is to be a child. To have an imagination. To want to play with friends rather that sit quietly and listen to what the adult wants us to hear. Truthfully, I'm board for him. As hard as they try, school has turned into nothing but tests. How to help? What to do? Sadly our budget doesn't allow for school outside the public realm and home schooling doesn't seem right for us either. I hate the thought of him being squashed. Tears shouldn't follow school. They rarely did for me. What has changed? Why so much so soon? We need a rest and we are taking it, at least for today.
October 1, 2008
I am so Bloo.

We've been watching Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends since the beginning. The best cartoon ever. I just found out that the show is ending after 6 great seasons. Apparently there will be a movie on cartoon network at the end of November and then 6 more episodes to follow. I will truly miss it. Coco!
Last minute entry...

Thanks Lorelei! I was wondering how this cloud heart was doing.... Just fine by the look of it! Love your design!
Bead hoarders unite!
LLYYNN has posted a beautiful necklace on her blog, lamenting the need to use beads that were being hoarded! I feel her pain as I have many a bead and pendant that have been calling out to me lately, even a few of LLYYNN's items! So she made a beautiful glass and metal collage pendant and included a few Gaea beads. I think it was worth the release! Here are the LLYYNN items that have been a callin' my name...

Stay tuned this afternoon to see who won the random drawing for the $50 gift pack! Here are a few last minute entries!

Bracelet by Loni Ventura of CopperlineJewelry

Collage by Linda of mamapainter
Stay tuned this afternoon to see who won the random drawing for the $50 gift pack! Here are a few last minute entries!

Bracelet by Loni Ventura of CopperlineJewelry

Collage by Linda of mamapainter
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