That's right, 17 of them have passed since we took our wedding vows. Our dear friend Yvonne was the minister via The Universal Life Church. I love that anyone can become an ordained minister and perform a wedding! It was as hot on that day is it is on this. We actually picked the day, the 8th because 8 turned sideways is the symbol for infinity. I know my love for him is infinite. October was, in our minds a beautiful fall month, cool and crisp. It has managed to be record breaking hot on our anniversary for most of our 17 year together. Such is life. We met on April 1st, 1990 and have been "fools" in love ever since. Some days we are more foolish than others. I couldn't imagine my life with out him. It is a good day, today. Our dear friend Dean sent us this very old picture not too long ago (1991!!!). We look so baby faced and fresh. I love it!
Happy Anniversary! Autumn is such a beautiful time of year. Mine was just yesterday on the 7th of October! 7 years for me and my hubby! Lucky number 7! Isn't love grand! Have a wonderful, wonderful day! Wish you many more happy years! Enjoy! I'm adding you to my blog list!
Happy Anniversary and congratulations on so many years together. Sounds like you have a lot of memories. Such a sweet photo.
Thank you both! Congrats on your anniversary Erin!
The cuteness. Aww. Happy Anniversary to you both.
My husband and I are celebrating our 18th on the 28th of this month.
was so nice to see this photo!
happy belated anniversary to you both!
Congrats Lisa! Happy Anniversary!
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