She popped into my head. Just her eyebrows at first. Then her hair. She isn't me. Not a self portrait. In my mind she was even more askew and off kilter. I ended her abruptly, at the bottom. Not sure what her body should have been doing. Maybe I'll have another go at her another day...
What an interesting face!... The sun and gal look so friendly....She looks like someone I would get along with...I don';t know why but she looks like she would have a sarcastic sense of humor- which I love...lol
That's funny you should say that about her sense of humor! She did have a slyness about her in my mind especially with a sightly crooked smile like she knows something...
: )
Yup, she looks like a smart-alek for sure. My kinda girl. I love the lone tentacle peeking out of the waves.
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