This past June, a friend of mine asked if I could help with a school project. Since the surprise has already happened I thought It would be ok to talk about it. My friend Mellanie's daughter is in 5th grade at the same grade school I went to over 30 years ago. It is a beautiful school that was built in the 1870's. She asked if I could do a bead project with the kids. How could I refuse? The idea was to have the 5th grade class kids each create 3 beads. One bead from each student would be used to create a necklace to raise money for at their annual art auction, one bead from each student to make into a necklace as a year end gift for their teacher and one for them to keep. The first day we made the beads. Some kids were a bit more into it than others. But they all did a great job.

The next visit I had them glaze their beads. After they were fired I took their beauties back to the studio and made 2 necklaces. Here is what the art auction necklace looks like.

I took the photo in sections because it was so long and this way every bead could be seen.

A photo of my friend Deina, wearing the necklace!
The necklace was a hit and helped raise almost $300 for their school! Great job guys!
I love stuff like's a win/win/win/win....
the kids learn a great crafty skill
the teacher gets a great treat
the school gets some much-needed cash $$$$$$$, &
some big-hearted person wears a unique adornment :))))))))).
~You are a good egg, Mother Earth~
Thanks, Aunt Cookalina! It was a fun project!
Coolio Iglasias. Love the alien bead!
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