I was floating around this afternoon and found this interesting blog did a "international moleskin sketch book exchange" where several artist mailed a moleskin (artist sketch book) around and did amazing drawings in it and then mailed it back to the originator. I was inspired by this blog and thought it sounded like a fun version of "exquisite corpse". I think it would be fun to do this with a piece of jewelry. So if anyone out there is interested let me know. We can all take turns "adding" to the piece, maybe a necklace or bracelet. When it is our turn we can take a photo of what the item looks like and then do our thing to it and send it on it's way to the next artist. They do the same and pass it on. Maybe 4 or 5 people? The final product maybe could be auctioned and proceeds donated to a charity? Any thoughts?
I'm IN!!! :) This sounds awesome. I love the idea.
Auctioning the finished product sounds great too!
"exquisite corpse"? Explain, please.
Sorry! I added a link to the a website that explains a little about it! http://www.exquisitecorpse.com/definition/About.html
Yo G-
Do you mind if I pass on the word of this challenge on my blog, directing people to come read this post if they're interested in participating??
Thank you! Wish I was beadish so I could play. Such a cool idea.
Sure Lorelei! That would be awesome!
Joelle, anytime you want to pick up some round nose plier and join us, I will be glad to start you on your addiction!
Hi Gaea,
I learned about your collaboration necklace idea from Lorelei. Sounds like lots of fun. Count me in if you get this going.
This sounds like a fabulous and exciting idea. I would love to participate!!
Hi Gaea. Lorelei mentioned the jewelry challenge on her blog. Count me in...it sounds like FUN!
Hi, Gaea,
This sounds like a 'round robin' kind of idea, is that right? where the piece circulates and each person or group contributes something, until the final piece is resolved? or is it more like the Just Simply Charming idea where each person makes a set of, say, six of a charm, someone makes the chain, and everyone gets one at the end? see http://justsimplycharming.blogspot.com/
Either way, I'd like to play.
I'd love to participate in this! It sounds like a lot of fun.
I'm open to whatever the final idea is. If the participants are somewhat limited maybe it would be possible to create one for each participant and one extra for charity? It might be nice to have a collaborative piece at the end.
This sounds so fun!
Thanks for the mention Lorelei! I'm so glad there is a positive response! I was thinking it could be a round robin thing. Just add or contribute how you feel when it comes to you. Just take a picture before and after, post it to your blog (if you have one) and then send it on it's way.... I was hoping to start next week. We can go in order of who posted a comment.
Sounds great to me!
I am glad for the positive response too!
Hi Guys! I have my little nugget started and will mail it off to Lorelei first. I thought I would go in blog post order. After Lorelei is finished It looks like Joelle then Mary, Jennifer, Norma, LLYYNN and Stef. Sound like a plan? I will post something today!
Hi Guys! The exchange is on it's way to Jennifer Stumpf! Could Norma, LLYYNN and Stef are up next! If you guys could send me your addresses at gaea(at)ojai(dot)net I will keep the ball rolling!
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