What would you do if someone contacted you to make them some custom jewelry or art and after following their instructions to the "T" using some fairly expensive materials, agreeing on a price, spending many hours of your time working on them and they've seen what that item will look like in a photo, you send them out $270 worth of custom items. Upon receiving them, they email you and notify you that the colors are too bright and the length is too short and would like to return them for a refund. Upon agreeing to receive the items back you refund them the amount minus the $10 shipping, $9 in paypal fees and $10 in esty fees only to get an angry response threatening to report you and you are cheating them? Dear jewelry designers and artists, what would you do?
December 26, 2009
What would you do?
What would you do if someone contacted you to make them some custom jewelry or art and after following their instructions to the "T" using some fairly expensive materials, agreeing on a price, spending many hours of your time working on them and they've seen what that item will look like in a photo, you send them out $270 worth of custom items. Upon receiving them, they email you and notify you that the colors are too bright and the length is too short and would like to return them for a refund. Upon agreeing to receive the items back you refund them the amount minus the $10 shipping, $9 in paypal fees and $10 in esty fees only to get an angry response threatening to report you and you are cheating them? Dear jewelry designers and artists, what would you do?
December 24, 2009
These just make me say "MMmmmmmmM!"
They are a new color I made and remind me of the watery ocean depths, where a mermaid might frolic! Or how her tail would shimmer and glow in the water....
What is your ritual for Christmas eve? We make cookies all day and hot coco in the evening and drive around to look at lights!
Happy Christmas Eve!
December 23, 2009
Oh my STARS!
This stars button has been made into a button bracelet which I am particularly fond of. These little art clay buttons are fast becoming a favorite of mine...
So, have you gotten all your holiday ducks in a row? Mine are still woefully running amuck! I'm getting by on too much chocolate and gossip with friends (the friendly sort of course!) But I will tell you, this holiday season has been trying. I've been apologetic to people who may need to hear the hard truth. I'm hoping the holiday spirit stays with me to get me on through to the next year and beyond. If you are feeling the biting cold of the season instead of the warm glow, just know you are not alone and give yourself a hug!
Merry Merry everyone!
December 18, 2009
I Heart Hearts
December 14, 2009
Free love...
Hearts. I Heart them. They have such a pleasing shape and say so much with so little. They can have wings, flames, cracks, flowers, stripes, leaves, swirls.... just love them. I'm also taking the time to enjoy how these themes can translate into the Art Clay medium. The smaller scale seems to make them precious in a way that ceramic clay doesn't seem to get for me.
Enough of that pity party...
I've got beads to play with! And jewelry to make. I would like to complete a December firing in a timely manner. I had an element go out in my kiln for the November firing. Not good. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this firing goes better. It has been a serious struggle not to chuck everything out the window and play with the silver art clay. Can I just say that I've been having a great time learning my way around this new medium. I should have researched what stones will fire with the Art Clay before hand. I'm a gal that likes to throw caution to the wind. And make mistakes. And I'm lazy. And pressed for time. So here are a few triumphs. I'll be brave and show some not so triumphy ideas... later....

Love 2 U.
Love 2 U.
December 12, 2009
An open apology...
It must be that time of year. Time is running fast and nerves are frayed. We are only human. To err is human. To forgive is divine. The season is catching up with me and I'm always so grateful for orders. Truly, no order is too small. This time of year many small and wonderful orders can add up so quickly that I must admit, my head has begun to spin. Just a little. Unfortunately when I'm spinning like a top, mistakes are bound to happen. Detail fall through the cracks. Not to make excuses. So to you dear customer, I apologize and ask in this season of joy and light, you can find it in your heart to forgive.
December 11, 2009
December 10, 2009
Who are you?
December 8, 2009
I took my girl to the park today! It was such a beautiful day and we needed the fresh air and play time! This also kept me from popping open the kiln too early! We had a great Thanksgiving and celebrated with a feast that we spent two days cooking! Life has become increasingly blurry as we approach Christmas and New Years... Time to get back in the saddle and ride! I've had my nose to the grindstone and am ready for some time off... I hope all are well!
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