December 26, 2013

Dish It Up

The holidays are almost over and the year is nearly over as well. I tend to make hearts year round but with Valentines Day just around the corner, I amped up the hearty goodness! A few heart dishes are going to land in my Indiemade shop with sweet little spoons! perfect for a dash of sugar or a sprinkle of salt. Here is a list of the things you could use these special dishes for…

These dishes are perfect for holding...
spare change
a ring or two
a spoon while cooking
a tea bag
a bit of sugar 
a dash of salt
a little soap... or just your gaze. 
The smaller dishes have helped out around the studio by holding a few beads.




December 11, 2013

Giveaway… AGAIN!

No. It isn't Groundhogs Day… I am having another giveaway! This time it is a new Peace Bird pendant!

This fine handmade by moi pendant will be yours if you…

Go here and like my Facebook page, like the post and share the post (if you already like my page then just like the post and share it!) Thanks for the support and good luck! I will pick a winner next Tuesday!

December 9, 2013

Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away, Now!

So, I'm having a giveaway… which always makes me think of this song. Then I think of the video and giggle!

This fine handmade by moi pendant will be yours if you…

Go here and like my Facebook page and share the post (if you already like my page then just like the post and share it!) Thanks for the support and good luck! I will pick a winner tomorrow!

December 3, 2013

Open Heart

I have been a collector of little things for as long a I can remember. My aunt gifted me with a sweet little lidded ceramic heart dish when I was about 9. I collected a few over the years in various materials and sizes so it is no wonder that I should have a fascination with all things heart shaped….

The larger dishes are between 3 and 4 inches wide and are perfect for holding loose change, a ring or two or just your gaze. The smaller dishes have helped out around the studio by holding a few beads, a spoon or a tea bag. You can find these at

November 29, 2013

November 25, 2013

Birds of a Feather

Peep-a-peep went the kiln! Hatching these new birds made me feel like I could fly! They are a bit quirky and off balance but I have worked out the kinks… The ones with the tail feathers were hanging nose up so I adjusted where the loops are and voila, they hang just right. Check back to see more variations and different themes… You can check them out on my website...