March 31, 2010

Itty Bitty Love...

Some of the itty bitty heart charms from the last firing are now bitty heart earrings. I loved playing with them so much that I put more into todays firing in all sorts of pastel colors for spring and summer. I took a batch of the hearts earrings as well as a few other shape to Rains, our local 114 year old department store and their buyer Melynda really liked them. I hope their customers like them as well!

March 30, 2010

Odd Ball...

This shape is odd. It some how feels old and modern to me at the same time. I made one like this last year and then I forgot about it. It seems to be following me. It will show up in and around the studio at odd times and in odd places. It's an odd ball. I think it would like to be called the "in and out" bead or maybe because of my fondness for the Harry Potter series the "come and go" bead.

March 29, 2010

I'm Having An Affaire!

A Jewelry Affaire! Have been for quite a while! Guess what came in the mail today?!?!? My copy of Jewelry Affarie Magazine! The premier issue! Yah! It is really lovely and has such a diverse group of designs! I noticed Nancy of Round Rabbit has a lovely project! Editor Beth Livesay did a fantastic job! The magazine is grouped into sections that have a nice flow to it! Three of the projects I submitted are included! I couldn't be more pleased!

March 26, 2010

Ombre Winner!

I got to play a little with some of the "Ombre" beads this week. The "content" face bead has been floating around the studio for a while and she just happened to be in the right glaze to snuggle into this design...

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-03-26 16:51:16 UTC

Congratulations to...

Abeille à miel said...

"what beautiful beads, and lovely colors! I've been inspired by the colors of the woods lately, so lots of different shades of green are making me happy. :)"
Here is a little more green to make you happy! Please email gaea (at) gaea (dot) cc me your shipping info!
Have a great weekend! 

March 25, 2010

Sex Ed. 101

Yep. It had to happen. Sooner or later one of them was going to get curious. But, honestly I would have thought my eight year old would have brought it up sooner than my 4 year old. The question? Mama? How does a baby get in there? They know how a baby gets out. They know the names for all the parts. But seriously? How does that baby get in there? I'll be at the book store if anyone needs me!

March 22, 2010

Inspired By... Ombre Giveaway!

I saw this picture in Martha Stewart Magazine (thanks Aunt Cookie!) that totally inspired me! I just fell in love with the ombre frosting! The gradation of color seems perfect for a strand of beads.

Martha's frosting...

Ombre beads...

What is inspiring you lately? Leave a comment here by this Friday and I will send you one set of 8 ombre beads! Want extra chances to win the beads? Mention this on your blog? XO

March 20, 2010

Belle's Nest...

Thank you Belle's Nest for the fantastic blog love!

Here are some interesting items from their shop and blog!

March 19, 2010

Blogging fever!

We'll, more like blogging with a fever, but who's keeping track? Had to post a quick one with these new pendants. They are the same design only reversed. When I'm up an all better they will be in the next firing, painted up real purty (fingers crossed!) Which one do you like?

March 18, 2010

Order update...

It had to happen eventually. The flu has raced through my family and now it is my turn... I absolutely hate to write this...

March orders update: Due to illness, March orders will be mailed out on Monday, March 22nd. Thank you for your understanding! Gaea

March 15, 2010

March 12, 2010

To bring you my love...

This little darlin' was part of a larger drawing for a friend.  I think she would be good on a pendant or bead, with a little refinement. Any thoughts?

P.S. The odds are good on the "fridge" inspiration contest/giveaway!

March 11, 2010

In her fridge she found...

a beautiful plastic lemon.... and  made lemon-aid! FANTASTIC!

 Janet used buttons and little fruit beads and it is also posted here on her blog... Go Janet!

March 10, 2010

Itty, bitty. Baby!

The picture is quite large but the hearts are so itty bitty! I. Love. Them. I want to decorate everything with them. Their cuteness in size (about half an inch!) is just adorable to me! They will most likely be used for earrings but because they are glazed front and back, I have a few necklace and charm bracelet ideas as well. Who's a cute baby heart? You are! (I always hear the farmers wife's voice from Babe when I say that!)

March 9, 2010

Fresh Baked Goodness...

Can I say that opening the kiln after every firing is both scary and exciting. I do a little voodoo dance/offering to the fire gods/goddesses before turning the kiln on. Did it work? Will anything explode taking down any piece with in a 10 inch radius? Will anything blister? How about that new glaze will it look OK or like a something the cat barfed up? It is time of worry and excitement!  The tiny earring pieces will be fun to play with and may not even be used for earrings! I wish I had more of them and to celebrate the brand new kiln elements Robert installed, I may do a firing all for me! Just what I want to do! Play a little! The loop-de-loops are a new thought. I'm not sure what they will be or what they should do but they came into my head and now they are here. They are just over 1" tall.

March 8, 2010

Feeling Hungry?

In thinking about a giveaway/contest, I realized that in life, there is no such thing as a free lunch. And when I think about lunch, I think about what is in my fridge right now.... which got me wondering... What is the strangest/oddest thing in your fridge? Now here is where the "no free lunch" part comes in...

Can you design something... a card, earrings, purse, necklace, whatever you like, with that strange item as inspiration? I dare you! Send a photo of your odd item and odd item inspired design to me *gaea* to post here and post it on your blog (if you have one) and link it here by next Monday, March 15th and I will pick two winners! What do you win? I think hard work should be rewarded with a really fun prize...


Here is my odd item, some very sweet, citrus scented Yuzu essential oil from our old soap making business (that's another story!)...

and my design...

March 7, 2010

More sunshine...

The voodoo dance must have done something (that and the new elements!) because I'm super happy with how the firing turned out! 

I'm ruminating the possibilities for a giveaway/contest... but you know... there is no such thing as a free lunch...

March 5, 2010


The ink keeps flowing so I keep catching it on the paper. It sometimes has a mind of its own. Sometimes it is a willful child and I just have to give in....
Anyone up for a giveaway?
Happy Friday!