December 27, 2012

Almost a New Year

I was plesantly surprised to find that I am now able to blog from my phone. Maybe itis my new phone or maybe blogger changed something, but I wasn't able to do this a few months ago... I have been enjoying hiking lately and finding little treasures growing along the trail as well as some lovely inspiration..

December 24, 2012

They Keep Splashing Me!

It is hours before Christmas and the new little fish pendants will not let me rest! So, I have gathered them up into my bundles and will be listing them @ on the 26th noonish!

December 14, 2012

In Denial

I don't think there is any other rightful place to be when you lose a dear friend. All the years of friendship with Caitriona, and I counted 30 in all, you never think about final words or the last time we... So I sit here is total denial that a cherished friend is not around the next corner, or ready to tell me about what her 3 boys are up to or how proud or frustrated or adoring she is about them. Even after all the wonderful stories are shared and times spent laughing are reminisced, I will not believe she is not just a phone call away. Our Thursday breakfast ritual, in spite of the other amazing friends at the table, feels so empty. Her voice echos in my mind and heart, her laugh just out of reach. So, if you will forgive my talking to the wind or crying mid sentence, I will continue to be in denial about this deep loss. It is the only place for me to be.