April 22, 2015

The Buzzzzz

I have been a busy bee! Getting new goodies together for a shop update! The weather has gone from summer warm and dry to fall foggy and cool. Even it it makes taking photos a challenge, I love it!

These designs will be buzzing their way into my shop tomorrow (4-23-15) at 11 am PST.

April 7, 2015

Pushing Myself Into Spring.

I had such a good time making these little bud vase pendants. Challenging my creativity and pushing my abilities to do more feels so good. It is always a confidence booster to have an idea come to fruition. I've had this idea in my head for ages but didn't feel ready to tackle the process needed to make them a reality. But here they are, begging for some spring blooms….

You can find some of these designs in my indiemade shop.