May 22, 2008

Why don't I ever see these things coming!

I have been rolling around the idea of a more expanded jewelry line for kids and have some fun ideas and even thought I had a cute name all worked out. We were playing tickle with our girl and playing raspberry and getting the best laughs and giggles from her and I was throwing out little phrases like "sugar bugger" to get an even bigger laugh and then threw out "tickle pickle" and thought! Too cute! A jewelry line for kids called "Tickle Pickle"! So I threw that out at Robert to get his input ... you should have seen the look on his face! "Uh... don't you think that's a bit risque, for kids?".... Risque? I was slow on the uptake! I guess it is good to have a man around to ruin your cute fun with sexual innuendo! Seriously?! So I google it and um, well.. yes, it does exesit in a sexual way "tickle his pickle" WHAT EVER!!! It is still cute, so I'll be using it in another way... tune in tomorrow to see how! So the kids line may be called "Noli Mae" for our girl.


Bunny B said...

LOL! I didn't see that coming either!

Lorelei Eurto said...

How funny! Something my husband would have totally picked up on too. Darn!

Tari of said...

OMG that is too funny! My husband would have picked on it and said something like "I have a tickle pickle for you"....MEN! It still is a cute name. It was innocent, LOL.

Gaea said...

I think I got a similar comment from my hubby shortly after! I guess that is why we love them, their point of view! ; )