November 22, 2010

Who? What? Where? Why? When? How?

That's me in a nut shell. Or rather, just nuts. I don't know how the days have gotten away from me, but they have. I hope everyone is doing well and on their way to a calm and enjoyable holidays! I've been totally out of the loop but will try to do a quick catch up!

I've been furiously working on the latest firing. Lovely pieces on their way to Norway! The firing had some really great pieces and some lumps of coal too. The universe has to balance us, yes?

Thanks to the lovely and helpful comments about my "leg/sciatica" issue, I've gotten myself to the Dr. and an excellent physical therapist. I say "leg" problem as "butt" problem doesn't sound too lady like, but suffice it to say that the problem is being dealt with and it seems to be directly under my gluteus maximus! FUN!

The holidays do sneak up on us! I suddenly realized that with all this "leg" hullabaloo that there were several holiday events that I needed to prepare for! YIKES!

I participated in a lovely local holiday market place and in spite of the rainy cold weather and low attendance, I had a great time (more on that later!)

Harry Potter ROCKS!


1 comment:

Shannon Chomanczuk said...

Love that bee and I cannot believe it is almost December! Ack!!!
Shannon C