November 9, 2009

Round and round she goes...

Here are some small shots of what I added to the round robin necklaces. They were all so lovely! And nearly done! Some only had room for a charm. Others had room for more...


Leslie @ Bei Mondi said...

Gorgeous and so creative! Can't wait to see the whole thing.

Lorelei Eurto said...

SO COOL! I love the little "peeks!"

TesoriTrovati said...

Oooh! You are teasing me with those little glimpses! I love what you have done, Gaea! Enjoy the day! Erin

EmandaJ said...

Hello Gaea,
Such tiny little peeks! I know you have added something very special to each one, can't wait to see the finished products.


Gaea said...

I am excited to send these on their merry way! They are all so much fun!

Mollie Valente said...

Sweet tweets!

I think I am the only robin remaining! I can't wait to add to the treasures.

And I guess I will be the first one to get my necklace...being last has its benefits!


Gaea said...

Hi Mollie,
The package is on it's way! Enjoy!

Photoshop Clipping Path said...

Amazing packages :)