January 11, 2010

Mama? You need to color that!

Well said my 4 year old angel! Yep! I'm tempted to take them for a test run! I like to make photo copies of them and try out all sorts of colors! I'm feeling like this Day of the Dead theme will be with me for a while even though I had one that was a butterfly motif in mind, this one won out. As my nearly 40 year old back has decided to act like an 100 year old back today I will be sitting quietly, not making a fuss, enjoying some coffee (even if it takes me 3 hours to make it!) and drawing some more today.

Have a great day! And enjoy your pain free back if you got one! Do a little jig for me!


Kalei's Best Friend said...

Oooh, the butterfly one sound cool... I love the detail in this!... u certainly have the patience to work w/such detail....

Gaea said...

I'm finding this very meditative, with all the detail. Really letting my mind wander!

Sharon said...

This is an awesome drawing, can't wait to see the results in color!