November 24, 2010

Fish Out Of Water.

That is how I feel about using stringing wire and crimp beads. I know comfort will come in time, but I just feel all thumbs and unsure. But it is good to try new things and am determinedly working with new materials. Even new shapes and sizes of beads are working their way into the mix. I made my own toggle clasp with the spiraled wire and at least I remembered the crimp covers! Spring and summer are just around the corner!

Have a happy Thanksgiving!


Alice said...

I feel the same about wirework and cold connections. I don't seem to have the time it takes to practice, practice, so each time I sit at the bench its like I'm starting over.

Your necklace is lovely.

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Unknown said...

Thats an unusually Nice toggle you made. Id rather do wirewrapping anyday then string! Makes for a forever lasting necklace. I use two crimps at times and am a believer in crimp covers. My feeling is why go to all the trouble to make a beautiful pc then leave unsightly crimps showing. My you are up early but I guess you have to be! ox

Beatnheart said...

My crimped beads usually fall apart! that is why I still use wire...I like the look of both however...I just haven’t mastered the stringing and find it kind of boring. Your stuff is lovely and your new clasps really different.

Aunt Taters said...

I feel this way about wire wrapping.....the practice wires look perfect, and then I freeze up when the real silver wire and beads are at stake!
Practice is the key!

Your clasps are groovy, G!

Gobble, Gobble!


Jovile said...

Very worm and beautiful works i love them, i ve just started making beads my selv:) .
I agree that hook is better when i string but you can use ceramics button so it will be half string half hook :)
Best luck

Silver Parrot said...

You should jump out of the water more often - because that looks fantastic!