November 23, 2010

I Heart Kelley Hart!

I met Kelley Hart at the Holiday Home Look-in Market Place last year and I was so happy to see her back this year. She designs and sews the CUTEST kids (and sometimes adult) clothes! Her use of vintage fabrics just floored me! I am in love and was lucky enough to trade with her (she's wearing the necklace!) Check her and her fantastic designs out...

Vintage table cloth dress and skirt! (Shhhh! Don't tell Magnolia!)

How cute is she? Very!


Aunt Cookie said...

Totally Awesome! You SCORED! :D

Maggie will be adorable in these! Take photos!
: )

I love the barter system....I traded a pot of Lentil Soup and some Mocha Frosted Brownies today, for some handyman work around the's a win-win for all!

Aunt C

Unknown said...

Ohh those are just Lovely Gaea! I need to check her out.