Another year has rolled on by and this birthday I was hoping to see a movie. Just me and my sweetie. Together. In a dark theater, treats in hand. Jumbo sized mortgage busting popcorn. Maybe even a PG-13 deal. You know, without the kids and everything! I plotted. I planned. Sitters were set. Times were scheduled. The movie? Quantum Of Solace. The day? Sunday. Did the movie people have a different plan? Yes. So apparently it was the proverbial "day late, dollar short" deal for me. Last week was the final showing. I had been checking show times on line all week. I'd been wanting to see the dog-gone thing since last spring! Yup. Day late. Dollar short. I know it will be out on DVD soon enough. That is not the point. The point is.... I just needed to see my movie and I need to get my #$^(#&*## together and do these things sooner. But I did have a lovely breakfast with all my dear hearts! It totally makes up for it. And Joelle totally knows me. She must have gotten a chuckle watching me jerry-rig my coffee pot filter holder to make myself one measly cup of decaf! Check out the perfect fancy newness! OH! And check out the goodies she made to go with it! What ever that pie crust cookie thing is... IT IS INCREDIBLE! It's like a cookie only crusty and crunchy on the outside and soft chewy on the inside. The perfect balance of salty and sweet. I can only describe it as, as, as, cookie pie! Amazing. Yup. My teeth hurt. Love it. Thanks Jo! OK. So. What was todays lesson? Do it now. Or not. What do I know.
Ok all you Capricorn's...
Happy B-day Gaea from one Capricorn to another. Mines coming up on the 18th. I hope I get some goodies as yummy as yours! I better start checking those movies now. I've got a similar plan.
Wishing the best in your next year, LeAnn
Happy Birthday! I've been meaning to ask you what kind of prize you'd like for helping me with the title! You can drop me some hints. Then come find me at Bead & Button!
Happy Birthday! Those goodies look wonderful.
Happy Birthday, Gaea!!!
OH! Happy Birthday LeAnn! Thanks guys! I find I appreciate birthdays much more now than when I was a kid! But Capricorn's tend to age in reverse! Getting more childlike as we age. I was a very serious child!
OH! And Cynthia! Thanks for popping in! It was truly a pleasure to be a help! I get such inspiration from your families work. I gushed about having a Green Girl Studio/Greg sighting back in August
I sooooo wish I could be at these big bead shows! Someday....
Happy Birthday!!!! Did you know they have a Ting-TIng's cover of Happy Birthday on Yo Gabba Gabba (wow, that was a weird sentence)? It was a surreal moment to hear Ella singing it in the tub!
I hope you are having a wonderful day. Next time we go to breakfast, I'm sittin' next to you!
p.s. Cynthia Thornton, OMG!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to you! Yes, Capricorn is serious but always striving higher and higher! Climbing that mountain! You go girl!
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