It has been looking, smelling and sounding like Fall! Kid's feet crunching on leaves, pumpkin muffins baking...YAY! I've been thinking a lot about a small vacation for the family. It is hard to take time to get away, especially with two little ones in tow. San Francisco is calling to me...The kids would love the crazy streets, GIANT Bridges, and Ghirardelli chocolate (do you think they make decaf chocolate for the caffine impared?)! I can't wait to take them some day.

Today is about making beads and getting the house in order. My big boy has been home all week with the flu. Fever and a cough. Yucky stuff but he is on the mend. He also lost his second tooth! It had been hanging on by a thread all weekend. He was having cereal for lunch yesterday and about 10 minutes after he had finished and was watching a cartoon, he came back into the kitchen looking around on the floor and his cereal bowl and said "Mom! I think I ate my tooth!" And sure enough, he opened his mouth and no tooth! So I had him make a tooth out of clay to put under his pillow for the tooth fairy. I'm thinking of adding them to the site! We had a good laugh though! Today feels like a "Harry Potter" day. I sometimes put on a good movie to get in a mood. If I really need to kick bead butt I put on "Charlies Angles: Full Throttle". A super fun and funny movie. I love movies. As a kid my Mom always took me to the movies. We lived in a hot and crowded city and it was a great escape from the outside world. It is still a great escape from what ever mood may have taken over or if I need a lift. I'll have to post a pic of the "tooth"!

Last weekend our good friend "Aunt Cookie" AKA CarolAnn, popped in for a visit with her Mary Poppins goodie bag! What doesn't she have in there? She made her amazing "burnt just for Robert" chocolate brownie cookies as well as a plethura of amazing fun goodies for us, not to mention her great company and wit. Maybe we should call her "Aunt Mary Poppins" because she's "pratically perfect in every way" (Another great movie!) Among the protein shakes and natural toothpaste samples were some funky peanuts! They were all stripy and sweet tasting. I love the color and stripes! They are heirloom, shade grown, organic, Equidorian peanuts! Too cool! Together we worked on wire wrapping bead, told stories and had a great time. Aunt Cookie has a wicked memory and more creativity than you can shake a stick at. We love Aunt Cookie.